Hunter Founders Forum

Raising Start-up Funds

If you are currently an entrepreneur with a business, which needs some start-up capital, you should begin to think about how your venture will be funded. In order to present at the Founders Forum you will need to have done your homework. Only three opportunities exist at each forum. Meetings are usually held four times a year, each quarter.

Companies applying to pitch should be sure that either intellectual property is suitably protected or that they are aware of the implications of sharing their intellectual property with members and guests at Founders Forum events. The experience provided by Founders Forum members can be the difference between success and failure. Our members are prominent business executives, and understand the start-up process and have significant experience to bring to the table.

Since it's inception in Australia in early 2000, entrepreneurs involved with Founders Forums have raised in excess of $40m in capital for their businesses.

Angel Investors

Founders Forum is an angel investor network devoted to assisting early-stage investment opportunities.  Members from throughout the Hunter invest, sit on boards, make introductions, consult and share their experiences with other angels and business associates.

Entrepreneurs are starting companies in record numbers and a significant number of these are proving highly successful.  Historically, the only way members could invest in these promising, early-stage companies was through an existing personal relationship with one of the start-up's founders.

The Hunter Founders Forum provides a solution to all who did not have the opportunity to invest in the seed rounds of  Locksmith, Microsoft, or Metalstorm.  Members come from all walks of life and contribute to an entrepreneur's success in many ways.


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