Oz Tukka Authentic Australian Spices

Australian native spices are very unique. The flavours are very subtle but distinctive and complement each other in cooking.

The spices are suitable for both sweet and savoury cooking and work well with most cooking styles. Australian native spices are a new addition of flavours to the world kitchen and a way to experience a taste of Australia.

Australian native plants have been used for thousands of years by Aboriginal people for a wide range of uses including medicinal purposes or as staple foods. With the recent rediscovery of the flavours of the Australian hot dry deserts and lush rainforests, the native plants have found their way into the modern kitchen for everybody to enjoy. The spices are not commonly available and mostly collected from the wild. This also means they are grown without the use of chemicals and have been gently hand harvested.

Oz Tukka Authentic Australian Favours & Spices :: PMZ Marketing

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