Ezi Pix Photography

Ezi Pix Photography was started by our founder Julie Watson on the Central Coast of New South Wales, Australia in the town of Toukley. “God’s Country”, just ask any of the locals.

The business was conceived in June, 2007 when Julie saw that there was an opening in the Australian market for a community for photographers to belong to and ALSO, that there was a need for an EASY place for customers to find photographers and their work at reasonable prices. The website has proven a challenge as ideas changed from week to week, but here we are!! Test launch 4th Feb 08 and Open to the public, officially on 3rd March 08. Then there was the upgraded site with new design and functionality which launched on 17th October, '08.

"Photography is so much fun, and it’s not as hard as some people make it out to be….. so why not share the skills around and help others to have fun with it too". And of course, if you can make money out of it…all the better!

The team are fantastic people to work with and our philosophy is that it is better to have fun at work than just work to pay for fun on the weekends!

For any information about Ezi Pix Photography please contact us and we will be more than happy to respond to your email. In fact we will have fun doing it! Ha.

Julie is also committed to helping those who are unable to help themselves, by donating 10% of all Ezi Pix stock image sales to the Child Abuse Prevention Service (CAPS). It's more than just a donation, as she speaks to professionals and the community to strengthen awareness for the tragic situation of the children caught in this cycle of abuse.

Contact Details

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Email: Contact Us

Mobile: 0403 436 889 (Australia)

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