Gurehlgam Corporation

Gurehlgam provides two strands:- ‘project management’ of services for Aboriginal people and ‘training and business services’.

Our product is professional management of Aboriginal programs by an Aboriginal organisation. We believe that this makes us unique. For over twenty years it has been Government policy to build capacity within Aboriginal communities by delegating service provision to community based organisations. In some cases this has been very successful but in others, the organisations have floundered on the rock of internal friction.

Gurehlgam offers an alternate solution:- an Aboriginal, not for profit organisation whose standards of governance are high and whose Board is united to deliver good service.

Project Management

Gurehlgam will compete/tender for programs/projects that fit with the skills the company can bring to the task. Projects/programs may be managed, auspiced or contracted by Gurehlgam to meet the needs of the organisation/agency offering the work. Gurehlgam can utilise the skills of all principal Directors or engage specialists and/or skilled persons to complete the required tasks. In all cases the direct responsibility rests with Gurehlgam Directors. The Company’s Managing Director, Mr Kenn Payne, will have operational responsibility.

As a company whose focus is primarily on Aboriginal issues, the nature of most contracts on offer will be in the field of Aboriginal community development or welfare. By employing or contracting Aboriginal people to assist with the operations of any program/project, Gurehlgam seeks to raise the skill levels of everyone involved. Long term contracts will permit the engagement of Aboriginal trainees or cadets.

Gurehlgam :: PMZ Marketing Client


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