Email Volume Screening

PMZ Marketing screens unusual activity within the PMZ VeMail Marketing system. Screening includes monitoring excessive usage which may include the following instances: the uploading of databases over 10,000 at a time, accounts that at any one time hold more than 20,000 email addresses, multiple credit card refusals, email campaign information (email address used, specific words used in the subject or content) and IP address of the account holder. In each instance the account may be investigated for illegitimate activity and where applicable appropriate action taken.


A recipient of a PMZ VeMail will only be able to see their name and email address. No other information is provided regardless of the number of emails sent.

PMZ Marketing also takes your privacy very seriously. Read our Privacy Policy.


PMZ Marketing and its partners provide educational seminars, email tutorials and online archives that include best practice for email marketing. To register your interest in any of these programs, please complete the Contact Us form.

Complaint Handling

PMZ Marketing has been recognised for its outstanding customer service including being direct about how we interact with you and the community.

As part of this service we provide you with a means to report spam complaints for further investigation. On receiving a complaint we abide by the following procedure:

  • We will preserve the content of any complaint you send us if we believe we have the legal requirement to do so.
  • The complaint is investigated to validate its origin, content and scope.
  • Where the compliant is validated, appropriate action will be taken inline with our policies and procedures and the Spam Act 2003.
  • Where the complaint involves an account holder using our service, and the account holder is known, the account holder is notified that they have received a complaint from a subscriber.
  • If the subscriber is known, PMZ Marketing will request the account holder to investigate the complaint inline with the Spam Act 2003.  If the complaint is validated, the account holder will be flagged as having a complaint against it and the details of that complaint recorded where we believe we have the legal requirement to do so.
  • Legal action may also be initiated in accordance with our Terms and Conditions of Use.
  • Where the complaint has uncovered a breakdown in policy, procedure or expectations, PMZ Marketing will audit and, where necessary, amend any policy, procedure or customer interaction.  You may receive a follow-up email to inform you of any action that may have been taken.

PMZ Marketing acts in accordance with the National Privacy Principles and encourages all customers to understand their local legislation and that of where their subscribers are located.

PMZ Marketing encourages persons who believe they have been sent spam, by an account holder using PMZ VeMail Marketing system, to contact the sender, where known, and / or report your complaint directly to us.

Contact Details

PMZ Marketing

Email: Contact Us

Mobile: 0403 436 889 (Australia)

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