Website Services

Websites / Microsites / Extranets

PMZ Marketing develops websites ranging from large database-driven e-commerce websites, B2B hubs, customer service websites to information portal...all having the following imperatives:

  • Commercially viable
  • Functional design with high usability factors
  • Future proof and scalable
  • Search engine friendly and accessible
  • Driven by consumer brand experience
  • Anti-Spam compliant

Our narrow focused microsites allow "Silo Communication" or focused communication. It is designed to immerse the visitor inside the product or service that you are promoting, without the visual disturbance of other services or products usually presented on a website.

Microsites are turned around expeditiously to promote short-term offerings and to achieve specific client requirements such as creating awareness for forthcoming events including annual general meetings or an initial public offering.

An extranet is a private network that uses Internet protocols to securely share part of a business's information or operations with suppliers, vendors, partners, customers or other businesses. At PMZ Marketing, we create high security extranets that contain all the usability and brand experience factors that apply to normal websites.

Contact Details

PMZ Marketing

Email: Contact Us

Mobile: 0403 436 889 (Australia)

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