The 5 Step Roadmap to Successful Email Marketing

by Patrick Zuluaga, PMZ Marketing [Download Article]

Did you know you can get up to $50 return on every dollar spent on email marketing? What is the secret of their success?  How do they achieve very high levels of responses?  The great thing about email marketing is that everyone both novice and expert alike have to follow the same 5 step roadmap to be successful.

Action One: Define your business objective

You need to be absolutely clear about what you want to achieve.  Is it customer acquisition using promotional offers?  Is it sales lead generation to secure qualified prospects?  Is it customer nurturing and retention with relevant & informative newsletters?  Whatever it is you must have a clear and defined business objective.

Action Two: Build your email list

Successful email marketing starts with quality contacts.  You can start with a handful of contacts.  When you make the effort to email relevant content to your list, you will start achieving your business objectives.   Put a plan in place to start growing your list.  Use your website to collect permission based email contacts using enquiry, registration or subscription forms.  Make sure every member of your staff understands the importance of building your list.  Collect email contacts at every opportunity making sure you get their permission to contact them with future information. 

Action Three: Prepare your message

Do not rush to get your email out.  Plan ahead and spend most of your effort on the message you want to get to the recipient and what action will result from it.  Take care that the message is relevant for your target list.  Put yourself in the position of the recipient.  Will you want to open and read the email?  What is in it for them?  Will the message compel the recipient to your desired action?  Every message you send out must provide real value to the recipient so that they will be continually receptive to your messages.  Follow the AIDA guide; attract the Attention of the reader, generate their Interest, create a Desire for the reader to act and provide them with a call to Action. 

Action Four: Test and test again

Statistics have demonstrated that most (65%) of us will open an email because we know and trust the sender.  This trusting relationship is built over time by providing relevant information that is of value to the recipient.  However, even if you are a trusted sender you must not take the relationship for granted.  Test that you have a compelling and interesting subject line that will encourage the recipient to open the email and act on your message.  Send the email to a test group of contacts.  Test for open rates with different email subject lines and test click thru rates for different call to actions.  Once you have the email that best performs send it to your target list.

Action Five: Measure and track your results

Use your email marketing analysis tools to measure the results of your effort versus the objectives you have set for the email marketing campaign.  What worked?  What did not work?  What did we learn?  How can we improve and do better next time?  Let this become your digital marketing system.  As you gain experience and learn what works for your business and target market you will be able to crank up the digital marketing system to generate more business results for your next email campaign.

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