The Entrance Chamber of Commerce


The Chamber seeks to monitor and make comment on matters which impact on business, the environment, as well as safety and welfare issues of The Entrance community. Our activities involve lobbying, representation and liaison at local, state and federal levels of government.


Members can become actively involved in the management and operations of the Chamber by seeking to be elected onto the Executive committee.


Our newsletter - ‘The Entrance Chamber News’ provides members with interesting information about “..what’s happening..” in the town. It is also updated to the web site for download and emailed to members.


We are aware of the benefits of using new technology and the many internet services for improved communications. We encourage members to access this medium to thrash out ideas and concepts prior to addressing them at the committee meetings. This will ultimately assist in getting the right decisions made in a timely manner.


Dinner/lunch/breakfast meetings provide members with the opportunity to share a social atmosphere with other members & receive an update on the activities of the Chamber. In addition keynote speakers are invited to present updates in their particular field of expertise.

OUR MANTRA: "One Team.... One Dream !"

“One Team” – Being The Chamber of Commerce Committee & Members, Town Centre Management, Wyong Shire Council and Central Coast Tourism..... All working together as a dynamic and creative force to manifest positive energy within the region, by applying a positive outlook and fresh approach, evoking a sense of goodwill and unity within the business district to achieve....... “One Dream !” –A prosperous town with energy, atmosphere and vibrancy filled with successful businesses and a fun and friendly community.... Ultimately ....for The Entrance to become “The favoured destination on the Central Coast”

Contact Details

PMZ Marketing

Email: Contact Us

Mobile: 0403 436 889 (Australia)

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