Esther Beaton Wild Pictures

Esther Beaton is all about nature photography and writing.

Going beyond mere photography of beautiful animals and places, Esther Beaton weaves appealing stories about them to produce nature features. Sometimes there is a fascinating story behind the pictures: The way orphaned fruit bats are raised by human carers. Or the way Sydney residents cope with deadly funnelweb spiders in their backyards. Or the tongue-in-cheek reactions of Queenslanders to cane toads.

Her endless ideas are generated by her vast experiences of travelling throughout Australia. She has clocked up 30 years of interacting with the locals (whether people or wildlife), living life at their level.

If you’re an editor, communications or marketing specialist, with a specific need or idea, Esther can research, interview and write the text to fit your publication. For especially large projects, Esther usually works in co-operation with an independent writer, so she can concentrate on the photography.

About Esther Beaton

Hungarian-born Esther Beaton came to Australia as a child, grew up in Canada and the United States, and finally returned to settle in the country where she remembered “picnics under the gum trees and cockatoos in the backyard”.

She initially took up photography as part of a bird-watching hobby, but it soon led to a career as a government-employed wildlife photographer and later to commercial work. Presently situated outside Sydney in a tranquil seaside village, she makes several trips a year into the Outback to bring back nature features and stock photos for her clients around the world.

She was awarded Australian Geographic Photographer of the Year for her feature Some Truths About Cane Toads. She served as Chairman of the New South Wales committee of the Society of Advertising, Commercial and Magazine Photographers (ACMP).

She feels Australia’s landscape and wildlife have a truly unique beauty, and she has a passion to to share her exciting discoveries with as many people around the world as possible.

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