Insight Trader

For over fifteen years Insight Trading Pty Ltd has been producing software specifically designed for Australian and overseas stockmarkets, commodities and futures markets.

Insight Trader Software is a charting and technical analysis package with the facility for complementary fundamental analysis.

Greatly Improve Your Productivity with Insight Trader

Insight Trader has been designed to allow you to process very large amounts of information, both technical and fundamental, in a very short time. This means that you can rapidly screen even the whole of the ASX as a first pass in order to allow you to limit more serious attention to those opportunities that really hold promise. This considerably increases the scope of the market possibilities available to you and at the same time significantly decreases the time and effort required to analyse them.

With a little practice you should even be able to develop the ability to visually scan over 1000 charts in about 1 hour, tagging those of particular interest to create a short list for closer examination. To make the process even faster you can actually limit your scan to particular sectors of the market eg all the Banks or all the Gold stocks or to those securities satisfying certain technical and fundamental criteria. Creating a list of all companies in any single ASX subsector or group of sectors typically takes less than 30 seconds.

Automating consideration of the fundamental information of dividends, earnings and net asset backing into your analysis will provide a powerful, more holistic dimension to supplement your technical criteria.

By casting your net wider and trawling more efficiently you can actually increase your hit rate while greatly reducing the time you currently spend analysing the markets leaving you more time free to pursue other aspects of your life.

All this is possible because of three productivity tools unique to Insight Trader. 

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