Stop Wasting your Marketing Efforts! - Use AIDA

Use AIDA – What is AIDA you might ask?

by Patrick Zuluaga, PMZ Marketing [Download Article]

We have tried that marketing approach before and it did not work.” Does that sound familiar?

I frequently come across business owners, directors, executives, managers and even marketing professionals that have used the same familiar refrain.  Yes, painful to think about but a lesson to be learned to get better marketing results.

When I encounter this refrain, I ask the question ‘What was the message in your marketing effort?’  Nine times out of ten it will be the same:

  • Use of the company name or product name as the headline
  • Tell them about the product or service
  • Provide them with the contact details

Believe me when I say I have also seen marketing material without the last bullet point.  No wonder it does not work – a total waste of marketing dollars because no one cares for such self-serving communications.

Well enough of this waste – get smart  and make your marketing efforts work effectively for your business by using the AIDA method to develop messages that win and generate responses from your target audience.

What is AIDA?  It is an acronym for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action.  Every marketing message you prepare must reflect the AIDA method.

How do you use AIDA?  Develop your marketing messages with the following in mind:

Attention – You must use a headline that attracts the attention of your recipient to want to know more about what you have to say.  If you fail to attract your recipient with your headline your marketing efforts will be ‘kaput’!  The most powerful winning headlines will evoke emotion as you highlight a problem that affects your target audience. You must address the every-present question of your target audience “Why Should I Care?” about what you have to say.

Interest – Your headline has made a promise and you must deliver on the promise.  You must keep them interested in your marketing message by focusing on “What’s In It For Me” and quickly communicate on a one-to-one level how your product or service solves their problem or issue.  Keep in mind that this approach works with both consumer and business markets. Give the recipient the facts or the evidence needed to support your claim to establish credibility.  Do not swamp them with statistics or product specifications otherwise you risk boring them to death.

Desire – Your message must convert the recipient’s interest into a desire to have your product or service.  Explain how your recipient will receive the benefits by accepting your offer.  Yes, that is correct your message must make an offer to the recipient. Your recipient will need to be reassured.  You must include customer testimonials and guarantees or warranties to minimize if not eliminate any perceptions of risk on their part.  Your recipient must be able to visualize how they will benefit when they accept your offer.

Action – Now you need to tell your recipients what to do and when to do it!  Be assertive and do not assume that they will know what to do.  You need to be absolutely clear about your ‘call to action’ and make it simple for your recipient to accept your offer.  Reiterate the benefits and the consequences of not taking up the offer. Encourage your recipients to take action now and accept the offer by including incentives available only during a limited timeframe or availability.

Use the AIDA method for all your marketing messages; broadcast advertisement (i.e. radio & television), print advertising, brochures/flyers, letters, promotional emails and web pages!  AIDA is the marketing technique underlying the success of direct marketing for years and will continue to bring success and wealth to businesses that use the method – you can use it too!

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