Posts about marketing

Group discussion on marketing challenges and solutions

Patrick Zuluaga - 17 April 2011
At a recent small networking business group (SBNG) breakfast meeting, we discussed the challenges in marketing and what were their successful experiences in reach out to their target markets.  Here is the list complied from the meeting:
  • Face to Face meetings (Personal Networking & Selling)
  • Understanding exactly who is your target market/customer (targeting potential customers)
  • Using a system to generate a prospecting funnel and manage the conversion process
  • Testing marketing first before bulk roll-out of the campaign
  • Having the right attitude toward communications with your prospective customers - helping instead of selling
  • Target your own customer database using RFM segmentation (define)
  • Market & sell your benefits not features (how) or use an Objectives-Benefits-Features (define) chart
  • Use marketing mediums that your customers use not what you are comfortable with.
What did you think? What is your own experiences with successful marketing?

What Makes a Successful Small Business Owner?

Patrick Zuluaga- 22 March 2011
In my experience as a marketing consulting with business owners I havefound that the following traits are characteristics of successful businessowners along with a profound view that they have ownership and areaccountable for their own success.
  • Planning
  • Systemise
  • Test & Measure
  • Watch Competition
  • Focused Marketing
  • Engage with Stakeholders
  • Persistence and Perseverance
  • Cash is King
  • Entrust your Staff
  • Keep it All Together
  • Look after Yourself
  • Dedication and Passion

What do you think? As a business owner how many of these characteristics are in your profile?  What have you identified as an area for development and what are you going to do about it?

Implement Engagement Marketing with Web Videos

Patrick Zuluaga- 23 August 2010
We can easily observe that people love and are incredibly engaged with interesting web videos.

We can harness the exceptional persuasive power of videos with videothat is benefit-oriented and with real entertainment value.

Web video that is entertaining and relevant to the audience is most likely to be shared with their own network of business colleagues and friends using social media like FaceBook and Twitter.

What is your view and your own experiences with using video to engage with your own audience?

7 Business Development Marketing Tips for Social Media

Patrick Zuluaga- 28 June 2010
You would have heard so many marketing experts telling everyone to use socialmedia as part of their promotional marketing mix. The Internet is flooded withinformation on using FaceBook, Twitter and other social media sites.  Numerousarticles have been written on how using social media can help promote your brandimage and how it can generate web traffic for your main businesswebsite.

Keep in mind that that social media is a marketing tool and itis only effective when used properly to promote your business. The keyquestion for a business is “How is social media harnessed to generate realrevenue and customers?

Here are the 7 Business Development Marketing Tips for using Social Media: [Read complete article]
  1. Go where your customers are and not where you are comfortable
  2. Engage and interact
  3. Research your competitors’ activities
  4. Release offers and programs that are exclusive to your social media channels
  5. Social media participation requires authenticity and transparency
  6. Look for value opportunities in selling through social media
  7. Always test and refine based on results generated
Social media programs as a marketing channel are not exempt from testing and refining your messages and offers. You must make the effort to test, gather results and analyse how it can be improved before launching the program to the entire channel.

Apply these 7 Marketing Tips for using Social Media to give you the foundation for success building and growing your business using these communication channels.

I am sure many others can add to this list, share with us your own successes using social media!

Use your Customer List for Better Marketing Results

Patrick Zuluaga- 24 May 2010
Many businesses focus all their marketing efforts in generating new customer leads while at the same time neglecting the potential gold mine that exist with their current customers! Your promotional marketing plan should always include targeting your most desirable customers with relevant and timely offers.

To identify your most desirable customers I recommend you utilise the Recency-Frequency-Monetary (RFM) segmentation method.

The RFM segmentation analysis method will identify your most desirable customers from your current customers using three different lists, namely;
  1. Recency – to determine the time frame of orders from the date of your analysis. Your generated list must sort by the most recent orders first as your priority target.
  2. Frequency – to determine the number of orders that customers placed with your business. Your generated list must sort by the most number of individual order transactions in descending order.
  3. Monetary – to determine the total monetary value of orders placed on your business by your customers. Your generated list must sort from the highest total value to the lowest total order value.
Next, from these three lists select the top 20% in each of these lists.  These will represent your most desirable customers who are potentially most inclined to act on a relevant and compelling offer from your business.

Let us know what results you have achieved!

Small Business Challenges “Fails to plan, plans to fail”

- 28 April 2010

You most likely will have heard this before “businesses that fails to plan, plans to fail”.

It is a simple truth – you need to know where you are going to get there!

Small business owners must recognise that marketing planning is essential to achieving their company’s full potential for success. I am not talking about a huge document that sits in the desk drawer never to be taken out again once it has been prepared.

In small business, you need a practical and concise document that you can refer to regularly. It should not be more than two to three pages long because you need to post it in front of your work space where you can see it and refer to it frequently.

How can you put together such a marketing plan?

Here’s how to build your small business marketing plan:

  1. Define and list your top three marketing objectives
  2. Formulate your marketing strategies for your target markets
  3. Identify the marketing programs needed to implement your strategies
  4. Outline how you will track and measure your marketing results
  5. Create a marketing calendar

The question is - as a small business owner what support would you need to be able to prepare such a plan? or from your experience as a small business owner can you do it yourself? or perhaps you feel you can do without a plan?

What do you think? Let us know your views and comments!

Targeting Potential Customers for Better Marketing Results

- 30 March 2010

As a business owner or manager you are always on the lookout for ways toimprove your business performance. We recognise that achieving Better Marketing Results is working smarter and making your marketing work harder for you and not the other way around.

What are your experiences with?

  1. Marketing above the prospecting funnel to generated qualified sales opportunities and new orders for the business.
  2. Marketing below the prospecting funnel to generate repeat business opportunities and additional orders for your business.

What works and what has not worked?

What can you do to Conquer the Top 6 Small Business Marketing Challenges

Patrick Zuluaga- 17 January 2010
Whatever industry you are in you are likely to encounter the top 6 marketing challenges for small businesses.   As a small business what can you do?   We will have a limited war chest of marketing dollars or even marketing staff at our disposal to tame these challenges. How can we conquer the top 6 small business marketing challenges?
  1. Defining Target Markets
  2. Increasing Repeat Business
  3. Getting Consistent Referrals
  4. Increasing Sales Conversions
  5. Finding Time & Resources for Marketing
  6. Developing a Marketing Plan

Please share with us your own experiences in handling these top 6 small business marketing challenges.

Read the complete article titled "Conquer the Top 6 Small Business Marketing Challenges".

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