Patrick Zuluaga - 15 March 2017
Direct Response Marketing

A recent presentation on Direct Response Marketing is available at our Marketing Seminar Presentations page.

It is my view and experience that the best marketing technique to drive new business development is direct response marketing!

What is direct response marketing? It is a marketing technique designed to generate immediate business results from a promotional offer.You can read my article about using AIDA (Attract, Interest, Desire, Action) to help you prepare your promotional offer from our many articles at our Marketing Resource Library.

Your promotional marketing message or direct response offer will have the following attributes:

  • Creative - to ensure that your marketing information will stand out from the crowd and draw the recipient to read or view your promotional offer immediately
  • Target Market - is a highly focused and targeted selection of prospective customers for your marketing message offer
  • Content - utilise an emotive personalised and relevant marketing message that will resonant with the recipient, it must have a compelling and powerful offer with a 'call to action' framed with scarcity or a limited time frame to drive the response

Over the years, my clients and I have successfully used direct response marketing techniques using the following communication channels:

  • Postal Mail
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media
  • Leveraged Personal Selling
  • Cross/Multi-Media

I am interested in hearing from you on your own direct response marketing results, what has your experience been in using direct response marketing techniques?

Please share with us and join the discussion.

Direct Response Marketing

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