Posts about sales conversions

What is Preventing Growth for Small Businesses?

Patrick Zuluaga - 14 December 2011
Did you know that more often it is the things that you may not be doing that will have a much greater impact on your business growth than those that you do? These are areas that I have found as a business consultant as the most prevalent in holding back the growth of small companies:
  • Understanding your Customer Market
  • Adequate Planning
  • Managing Cash Flow
  • Operating a Marketing and Sales Development Process
  • Targeted Marketing Campaigns and Programs

What do you think? In your own business situation have you faced these issues or other more significant challenges? Share with us your views and expereinces.

[Read the complete article]

The 5 Step Roadmap to Successful Email Marketing

Patrick Zuluaga - 01 November 2011
Email marketing is one of the most cost effective communications mediums when used properly to add value and build relationships with your recipients. Here are the five steps to follow in building an effective email marketing program:

One: Define your business objective

You need to be absolutely clear about what you want to achieve.

Two: Build your email list

Put a plan in place to start growing your list.

Three: Prepare your message

Plan ahead and spend most ofyour effort on the message you want to get to the recipient and whataction will result from it.  Follow the AIDA guide;attract the Attention of the reader, generate their Interest, create aDesire for the reader to act and provide them with a call to Action.

Four: Test and test again

Test for open rates with different email subject lines andtest click thru rates for different call to actions.  Once you have theemail that best performs send it to your target list.

Five: Measure and track your results

Use your email marketing analysis tools to measure the resultsof your effort versus the objectives you have set for the emailmarketing campaign.

Share with us your views on how you have used email marketing to promote your business - what works and what does not work.

[Read the complete article]

What can you do to Conquer the Top 6 Small Business Marketing Challenges

Patrick Zuluaga- 17 January 2010
Whatever industry you are in you are likely to encounter the top 6 marketing challenges for small businesses.   As a small business what can you do?   We will have a limited war chest of marketing dollars or even marketing staff at our disposal to tame these challenges. How can we conquer the top 6 small business marketing challenges?
  1. Defining Target Markets
  2. Increasing Repeat Business
  3. Getting Consistent Referrals
  4. Increasing Sales Conversions
  5. Finding Time & Resources for Marketing
  6. Developing a Marketing Plan

Please share with us your own experiences in handling these top 6 small business marketing challenges.

Read the complete article titled "Conquer the Top 6 Small Business Marketing Challenges".

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